Give your website

the edge

with modern calculators

Increase online conversions with personalized financial calculators that turn more prospects into account holders.
2X winner Finovate Best of Show
Gaming Award Prize Streamline Icon:
iPhone mockup


Features built to drive digital performance

Publish in minutes

Choose from over 40 calculator templates, launch in minutes and make updates in real time — no coding required.

Reach prospects at the right time

Set targeting rules to launch calculator widgets instantly on any page, increasing engagement and conversions.

Increase website conversions

Targeted call-to-action buttons that integrate with your applications and turn more visitors into borrowers.

Easily measure performance

Drive growth with a calculator that pays for itself in new customers. Easily track performance in real-time and see the ROI for yourself.


Pick from 40 easy-to-launch calculator templates

Browse 40+ templates
Personal Loans
Auto Loans
Deposit GROWTH